Showing all 10 results

Hunting and Trapping Earth Anchor Assemblies

DuckBill® anchors are available with or without wire assemblies for securing hunting aids and traps.

Aluminum Head and Galvanized Wire Assemblies

Catalog Number Reference Number Description Standard pack Weight Ea (lbs)
D040A06GX020L1X 10228-II 40-DB1 1/16" x 20" 50 0.1
D060A12GX030L2X 10278-II 68-DB1 1/8" x 30" 24 0.3
D088A25GX042HEX 10305-II 88-DB1 1/4" x 42" 12 1.1
D138A31GX0060HEX 10110-II 138-DB1 5/16" x 60" 12 2.4

DuckBill® Heads Only - No Wire

Catalog Number Description Standard pack Weight Ea (lbs)
10846 40-DB aluminum 100 0.1
10766 40-DB aluminum bullet nose 100 0.1
10847 68-DB aluminum 50 0.2
10849 88-DB aluminum 25 0.5
10851 138-DB aluminum 1 1.7

Bait Station Anchor

Catalog Number Description Standard pack Weight Ea (lbs)
10492-II 40-DB bait station anchor 50 0.1

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